Emphasizing the “ME” in MEdications

Mar 1, 2023 | WELLhood Blogs | 1 comment

Emphasizing the “ME” in MEdications

Guest Author: Meghan McNulty, PharmD Candidate 2023

A seemingly endless number of specialties and positions exist in the healthcare field, but at the end of the day there is only one true specialist on you! It’s you! You know how your body is feeling day to day, how your body is reacting to new medications, and everything else in between. This is why self advocacy is so important, especially when organizing and reorganizing your medications.


An individual’s ability to communicate their needs and interests comprises self advocacy. This can be a challenging skill to master, but the hope is for you to be the best advocate for yourself in healthcare settings and beyond. So to break it down, all you have to remember is A.D.V.O.C.A.T.E.!


Step one is to assess yourself and the situation prior and make note of them! Such as; Do you feel comfortable in this environment? What are some things you are hoping to gain from this interaction? How are you feeling? Have there been any changes to your health recently, big or small? Have you noticed any changes happening after taking medications?


While you are a specialist in you, there are specialists in other areas and it is important to keep that in mind as you discuss your medications! There should be an “ebb and flow” of information between you and your provider. It should be a discussion not a lecture.


Sometimes while talking to a provider it can be easy to forget that you have a voice, and get lost in the discussion. Remember you are a key member of the healthcare team and we want to hear your thoughts, experiences, and questions!


Another important thing to keep in mind is that you can ask for other options! Some healthcare conditions are limited in their treatments, but others have a variety of options! To get the optimal response from a treatment plan means figuring out the medications that work best with you, almost like a personalized treatment plan! The best option may even be to remove medications to help declutter and refocus your regimen. Check out the WISE & WELL deprescribing resources to learn more!


As mentioned above these should be discussions between you and your team. That being said, it is important to listen, receive, and process what your doctor communicates to you, and consider all options. Being thoughtful is a key component of self advocacy!


ASK questions!! Check out the WISE & WELL Question List Template in the resources section for ideas of questions to ask at your next provider meeting!


Since healthcare is a support team, your healthcare team should be also advocating for your needs, desires, and best interests. That’s another reason why communicating with your providers is so important, because your team can’t act on what they don’t know!


Last but not least, knowing how to obtain what you need is another crucial aspect of being a self advocate. By asking your doctors questions, learning your options, educating your doctors on how you have been, and assessing the situation you can learn how to achieve your goals and get the most out of your medications!

Be your best advocate and be WISE & WELL.

A very special thank you to Meghan McNulty for being a guest blogger!

1 Comment

  1. Daniel muteba

    Emphasizing the “me” in medications for me means focusing on individualized medication management that considers patients’ individual needs and preferences. It involves tailoring medications to patient’s characteristics, such as genetics, lifestyle, and medical history. This approach can improve medication adherence, reduce medication related problems and optimize patient outcome.

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